The tips are pretty 20
The commencement phataphati tips ( not girls boys follow the tips I can get good results )The commencement phataphati tips ( not girls boys follow the tips I can get good results )
Tips : - 1
Can refrain from as much sun . Use an umbrella and sunglasses . Sanaskrina use whenever you go outside .
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A swimming pool , beach or snow in places that do , only San lagabena screen . The ice water or sunlight is more praphalita .
Tips : - 3
Take bete sesame or guro , please . Take a little water mixed chemke . I turn to face with a white -colored liquid , turn the sun burns the place . The skin will become lighter .
Tips : - 4
Add yogurt to lighten the skin color of the face . Keep twenty minutes . Then wash . You need to put at least three days a week .
Tips : - 5
Deleting fair skin is washed away with regular milk .
Tips : - 6
If your skin is ayeli the skin more bright and more fair imitation of the f
ollowing methods : the
Mix equal amounts of lemon juice, egg white and egg . Put it in twenty minutes and then wash it .
Tips : - 7
The skin color is not bright pea-flour , curd and a little turmeric mixed to create a mixture . Use it instead of the regular bath soap .
Tips : - 8
The hands , feet , knees , elbows are black . In the case of a half cup pempera shells , one - spoon watermelon juice , one - spoon lemon juice , egg white part of adhakhana one - Take a teaspoon of honey mixed together . Where necessary , apply the mixture . Sukote days , then wash .
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If your skin is dry , the tea - spoon raw milk , two tea - spoon potato juice is cold , use it as klenajara .
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The sandal dry skin , apply the malai and a little yellow mixed together . The skin will be more bright and fair .
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One cimate saffron , mixed with raw milk and apply each face . Fifteen days .
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Those people with oily skin are also guro mugera peas mixed with little water once every week and use the skraba . The accumulation of dead cells on the top layers of the skin facial skin looks black .
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Oily skin can be fair arekabhabe owners . One tea - dried orange peel guro spoon , one tea - spoon fenugreek guro , orange juice and take it mekhe . Add this mixture to the face and neck . Then wash it with water .
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Take half a piece of ripe bananas . Mix a few drops of juice sasara catake well . Then take advantage of the half -hour . Thanta water wash .
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This is one of those skin dry tea - spoon red peas musura guro night soak in milk . The butter in the face and neck . Twenty minutes after the wash .
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Take the milk reward bete together . Every two minutes in this mixture and use it masaja . Then wash with water cooling .
Tips : - 17
The skin and make the skin bright and pure sarasera pea-flour mixed with oil bath together before the mekhe take it . Remove the cloth abasthaya half an hour in the bath .
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Put a few drops of lemon juice mixed with honey face up to fifteen minutes . When your skin is bright honey , lemon is a natural skin blicim times more fair .
Tips : - 19
Have noticed a lot lighter lip color dusk lokerao . But he will not be a bit disappointed . Patilebura a few droplets of juice , honey and cream mixed masaja day two months ago when thomte masaja get the benefits . This behavior can be regularly and sincerely . The bottom of the ink to be removed .
Tips : -20
The Elbow , hatu , the skin of the feet is black looks very bad . Black tint of the skin is tough . Get rid of this problem - camaca salt , two - one teaspoon of sugar and salt in a glass bottle full of soda keep refrigerated . Patilebura juice and juice bottles or a combination of sasara are mixed to create a pack . They come in black , leave it at 0 minutes . Then rinse well with water with a little cream to make masaja .For more update health tips visit online health tips
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